Good Morning Peregrine Fans!
I am Alex Starr, a member of the women's team here at Purdue Calumet and I am going to keep you updated with our team and all the goings on at Purdue Calumet! First, Let me introduce myself:
I am Alexandria Starr, number 10 on the basketball team, I am a sophomore shooting guard majoring in biology (pre-optometry). I am from Plymouth, Indiana, where no one has ever heard of. It is about an hour east of Merrillville on 30! I grew up in a small town and I am ready to move to a big city like Chicago, Philadelphia, or D.C once I graduate! Right now, I am headed to Optometry school after I graduate, but plans are never definited. I would love to travel while I can!! I love to run, read, golf, and just relax. I have been playing basketball all my life, but I never really became coordinated and expressed a love for the game until high school. One of my role models is Andrew Woodrich, one of my AAU coaches in high school, because I think between him and my mother, they helped me have a passion for this game. My favorite color is purple, my favorite music is a random mix of everything from 311 to Bob Marley to Drake and Alicia Keys. I love to eat so I have many favorite foods like strawberry cheesecake, cheetos, spaghetti, and filet mignon! I have a nice obsession with shopping, and I especially love shoes! I love everything for Jordans to boots to sandals to flip flops! Right now, my current obsessions are heels and high tops :)
Well that's all for now. Soon to come will be my Washington D.C trip and the annual Purdue Calumet/Powers Golf outing!!!
Until then here is a quote I stumbled upon this morning from the national chair and the leader of my Washington D.C trip, Brian Hamil:
"Leadership can't be claimed like luggage at the airport. Leadership can't be inherited, even though you may inherit a leadership position. And leadership can't be given as a gift-- even if you've been blessed with an abundance of leadership skills to share with someone else. Leadership must be earned by mastering a defined set of skills and by working with others to achieve common goals."
-David Cottrell
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