Thursday, June 16, 2011

Here I Am!

Hey Followers!

Well here it goes, my first post! It's an honor to have the opportunity to share the experiences of the season with you all! My name is Brooklyn Short. I'm a sophomore and will be playing point guard for the Peregrines this season. I had a fun first year, and I feel that I learned quite a bit from the seniors and all the players last year! This summer I am working as a lifeguard at our city pool and helping out with my high school's basketball team. 5-0 as assistant coach! :)

I'm really looking forward to this upcoming season. Open gym went great yesterday. We had an awesome turnout. I loved seeing all the girls again! I've missed being away from everyone this summer. It was also nice to meet the new recruits! I think they will fit right in! It felt great to just go out there and just play. It was nice to get up and down the floor again. The new floor looked amazing! They sure do take care of us at PUC. I even got to pick up some Chipotle on the way back home! It was definitely a success!

It's getting a little late (I'm an hour later in Wabash), so I'm going to wrap this up. More posts will be coming soon! Thanks for reading!

Brooklyn Short #4

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A New Look ..

Hey Followers!

I'm getting good at catching up with this blogging stuff! haha Well, today was the first day back at PUC for everyone because of the remodeling of things. The floor is BEAUTIFUL.. as you can see above. Today we had 12 girls show up to open gym - including recruits who live 3 hours away! It was a nice turn out and I am extremely excited to get into full swing of things. Having recruits from so far away drive up for a 2 1/2 hour summer workout is great. It shows commitment and dedication. I am as excited and antsy and they are to get things rolling.

Above is a sneak peak of our new gym floor - to see more you all should come out and support us when games get started in November! Like mentioned before, Brooklyn will be blogging here soon so stay tuned in!

Until next time ...


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sweet Summertime ..No days off.

Hey Followers!

Sorry it has taken me a great deal of time to blog on here. Although I decided to come home for the summer, life at home is just as busy here as it is at school during the year. There are no days off in the off-season. Whether it is job searching/interviews, playing basketball, doing summer class homework, working out, running, etc. I try to stay a busybody.

Since being home I have found it not as easy to go to the gym and workout/shoot. I have set high goals for myself and the team come season that I am determined to reach. At home, I have been shooting at different parks, drive-ways, and also my old high school to get my shots in. Not all hoops at every gym are the same anyways, right? 10 ft. high is all you need. As for lifting, I have been doing all free weight lifts at my house to keep my strength up, and for conditioning I have been running, biking, and rollerblading. Also, while keeping up with our summer objectives for Coach - I entered myself into a 1/2 marathon in August downtown Chicago. I was a runner in high school and being a spectator at one a month ago, I took interest to enter in one benefited by the American Cancer Society. I have recently paid my entry fee and started training as of this week. I have started a donation envelope at school and with friends/family where I have got over $250 in donations to donate to the cancer society. It's not only for me and my aspirations to finish a half, but for a cause too.

Our gym floor is being redone so summer workouts have been postponed a week or two. It is going to be the best looking floor in the conference - that's for sure! I am excited to get the opportunity to play on it for my last season. Athletics and the facilities around school are really becoming top-knotch. We're all excited to see the finish product once the other sports get rolling and construction is done for our future sports sites.

Soon, teammate Brooklyn Short will be helping me with the blogging for the 2011-12 season. I am excited to share our experiences of off/in-season with you all. Brooklyn will be a sophomore point guard for us this year. Be on the look out for our blogs!

Well, I am off for a workout. I hope you all are doing well and I can't wait for this upcoming season! Thank you for all of your support.

Until next time..
